The Definitions of Tango

Definition: Force
The idea of ‘Force’ as it relates to Tango Topics and it’s usage is somewhere in the middle of the definition. It is at once dealing with Physiological Strength and on the other side dealing with Compelling someone to do something USING strength. And in specific as it relates to Argentine Tango this is done within the embrace usually by a Lead.

Definition: Compression
Tango Compression can best be defined in one of three ways. 1.) A constriction of the muscles of the knee, (or elbow) to build up ‘energy’ to be used to sustain a position, stance, and/or movement. 2.) A constriction of the muscles around the elbow, or hand (and wrist) which is used as an indicator to either start or stop motion. Typically this is used as a way to communicate clear intent from Lead/er to Follow. 3.) Laying one’s head onto the head of the partner, employing (unconsciously) the weight of their head onto their partners.

Definition: Pushing
Pushing. According to Webster’s Dictionary the word ‘Push’ is a verb that means “to exert force on (someone or something), typically with one’s hand, in order to move them away from oneself or the origin of the force”. It comes from the middle english word (1250 – 1300) ‘pushen’. Pushing is the adjective form, and generally means the same thing. Generally. 😉

Definition: A ‘L/lead’
In Argentine Tango it is customary to use the word ‘Leader” to signify and identify the role of the dancer that is indicating direction, pace, timing, vocabulary choices, and musical interpretation to a degree.

Definition: Tango Baggage
The community you dance in regularly where you see the same people, dance with the same people, once or twice a week at minimum, and more if you’re studying with the same teachers they study with. You see them so much that Cabeceo as an art form has been reduced to “Hey!”, and off you go! This is what some might call ‘Familiarity’.

Definition: Active Follower
What is an Active Follower ? The answer is multifaceted: 1.) The ability to change X into Y with the barest hint, the slightest movement, and make the Lead believe that it was their idea the entire time without interrupting the lead. 2.) The ability to turn on and off, as though it were a switch, the musical accompaniment of patter, milonga, or an adornment, or an embellishment, and to place a movement that may not have been led but does fit within the motion that is being…

Definition: Tango Haptics
Usage: ‘Haptics’ ? You may have encountered this word in the technical world, when it comes to iPhones, as in “Haptic’ feedback. The word refers to the tactile, kinesthetic, and proprioceptive contact and feedback (the feedback part is very important) when manipulating an object.

The Following Mantra
The Follower has a Mantra too! This is an idea that focuses a lot on physiological awareness as well as kinesthetic ability. It should not be overlooked.

Definition: Apilado
Apilado (pron: Ahh-Pee-Lah-Do), this word is the past participle of the verb ‘Apilar’ which means ‘to pile up’ or ‘to put in a pile’. From a Tango perspective it means to put one’s body onto another, or to place your body onto another persons body. This style is the ‘iconic’ look of tango, the leaning bodies that form an "A" frame between the partners.

Definition: Pivot
Usage. A Pivot from a Tango Perspective is very similar to its literal dictionary cognate with a minor difference. The difference in this case is where that turn or oscillation happens. Typically when we’re talking about a Tango Pivot, we’re referring to the entire body rotating over a singular axial point.

I Move Me – Tango Topics
What is "I Move Me" ? It means that YOU, as the Follower, are responsible for taking the initiative to ensure that your technique is spot on. When you feel or sense the intention from your Lead that you apply your technique to the best of your ability while you engage your body and muscles, and respond quickly to get from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ in an expeditious manner.

Definition: Constriction
There is a ‘firm’ embrace, and then there is Constriction within the embrace. Constriction in this definition refers to bodily compression usually with the forearms, biceps, and hands creating pressure and compression against, and around your partner’s body (at the bra line or at about the 7th/8th Thoracic) thereby (so the thinking goes) constraining their motion.