
The Following Mantra

For the Follower, there’s a Following Mantra as well. This mantra is focussed on the Follower’s body, their technique, and their embrace. However,  tt is a little different than the Lead’s Mantra but uses the same structure of “in, on, to, and within”. It should be noted that this particular mantra is one of many for the Follower and is far more complex than the words convey. The reason being is that the Follower has a lot more physiological and kinesthetic work to do than the Lead does in different areas where they quite honestly have to be near mind readers to Leads that think or believe that they’re being clear with the Follower when in fact they aren’t. For the Follower, this particular Mantra is all about awareness and really hyper-awareness of the physical. It speaks nothing to the role of the Active Follower but is more based in the necessary transitionary state of the Passive Follower! That said, let’s dive into The Follower’s Mantra.

‘My Mind in my Body, On my technique, to my steps, within the embrace!”

‘My mind in my body’, is about posture, presence, balance, alignment, and more importantly, bodily awareness, in slow, calm breathing, through the process of moving. The primary goal is being aware of your body as it moves through space in time in contact with the floor.

‘On My Technique’, strips away the flowery language that is sometimes ascribed to a Follower’s motion and gets down to business in hardcore technique. This is the focus and exacting detail, and more importantly, control over the Follower’s forward, side, and back step technique! How the foot lands on the floor, specifically where it comes in contact, what muscles are being engaged. How you point your toe within the shoe, etc. This is walking technique across the platform of the embrace and the dance. It also about embrace technique, and how you’re always looking for that optimal embrace structure that fits.

‘To my steps’, is all about Follower Facility & Familiarity. While it is true that a trained Follower does not need to know a particular pattern, they do need to be familiar with their 7 foundational steps (Forward, Side, Back, Forward Ochos, Back Ochos, Molinete, Cross)! They do need a passing awareness of some rules about Sacadas, Colgadas, and Volcadas. The Follower does need to be trained in Wraps, Ganchos, & Boleos, these pieces of vocabulary are not natural movements but learned responses.

‘Within the Embrace is what you have to do within the embrace construct to keep all of those other things together in relation to your L/ead (the person/the action). Remember that this Mantra is only here as a reminder for all of the things that the Follower has to do, and this particular Mantra only scratches the surface. Most Leads are not aware of any of this stuff, it’s gobbly-gook to them! The only thing half of them (not all) care about is ‘Can they keep up with me and what I am doing’. The emphasis on them and not the Follower. Frequently mantras like this only serve the Follower that wants to keep their wits about them, and this mantra is one of several ways to do that. There are others! On the surface it forces calmness, and technique, in the bigger picture there is so much more going on…so much more!

This is the Follower’s Mantra.

You’re welcome. 😉


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